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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday


Thanks for all my responses to my previous post on copyright and pricing etc. Since writing it there are a few things I would like to research, such as copyright relating to crochet magazines as I have been informed that some stipulate that you cannot sell items made from their featured patterns. I haven't looked at a crochet magazine in a long while (probably since I last saw Mum and Helen) but am eagerly awaiting my first subscription addition of Simply Crochet, so will look more into this topic then. 

Today has been a bit of an odd one....... I forced myself to spend the morning writing job applications, but had a lovely lunch in Pam's Kitchen in Manchester city centre with Pete as a reward. They even gave us complimentary tiffin- it was chocolately, gooey, biscuitty and delicious (had to use spell check once again)! Definitely not good for my lactose-intolerant tummy though! We then had a browse of a craft fair. It was nice but no way near enough knitting and crochet (well there was no knitting at all!) for my liking.

I then bought my costume for our 'Waxham Gnome Extravaganza'. I will tell you all about this later.....perhaps even tomorrow........but to cut a long story short we have to dress up as gnomes all bank-holiday weekend whilst camping/caravanning in a windy, rainy campsite- I'm not being pessimistic, the weather is usually rubbish! Despite the weather we have loads of, often alcohol fuelled, fun though! All my costume needs now are some crochet embellishments (of the creepy crawly kind!) which I will hopefully get round to soon.

I have been spending the afternoon on my current WIP, a lovely lace shawl for a friend to thank her for all her help during my PhD. Its my first lace project, and also the first time I have knitted in a while (I forgot how to cast on for a moment when I first started it!). However, progress was slowed somewhat by someone coming to test our fire alarms. Good job he did really as none of them were actually working! It did mean a good hour trying to concentrate with all the alarms going off full volume constantly. This coupled with someone coming to fix our leaky bathroom roof has meant for a slow progress. Thankfully I have the day off tomorrow to catch up.

I am using Rico Designs superba poems and 4mm needles. the pattern is by Emma Fasio and can be found on Ravelry. I chose it due to its fairly simple yet very effective design (it is my first piece of lace work!) and the way it is not too bulky and drapes nicely. It took me a couple of attempts to get started as my markers kept falling off! All was ok though once Pete explained the benefits of the reef knot! So, here is is so far........

Close up......

It definitely will need blocking as there are lots of loops in the middle bit that can only be seen when it is stretched out but am liking how it looks so far. I love the way the wool changes colour! I am a bit worried that it is a little bit fluffy though- I hate it when you get fluff in your mouth from your scarf!

And a surprise little present- a bay tree to add to our herb garden :-)

Had better get back to the shawl......I seem to have more projects lined up in the next couple of weeks than I have time for! Oops!


SS xx

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