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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Hello Sunshine!

I don't think I have seen such a persistently blue sky in a long while. I don't think I've spent a whole day lounging outside on a day where not a single cloud obscures the sun from waking to sundown. Today was such a luxury as it was the first summer Sunday for almost three years where I didn't have to bundle myself in the car and spend the afternoon on the motorways back to South Wales. 

Monday, 5 June 2017

A project to be proud of (and a cock-up!)

I have an amazing friend who has been pushing through some incredibly harsh treatment for breast cancer. I wanted to make her something whilst she was going through the treatment process.  I chose the colours (Stylecraft Life DK, 25% wool, 75% acrylic) Fuchsia, Rose, Teal and Pebble Nepp (grey with multi-colourd flecks) and made 6 large granny squares which I then joined and bordered.