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Sunday, 18 August 2013

The 'No Pattern Challenge'


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I have been working so not much time for making things. However, I did this very briefly this evening.......

This is a design on Annoo's Crochet World blog and posted on the El hogar de las lanas ('The Wool Home' in Spanish) Facebook page:

The challenge set by a member of Crochet Camp 2013 was to re-create just be using the picture. The pattern is available but we thought we would have a go. So here goes......

Step 1: The heart

.......pretty similar I would say......and at least it looks 'heart-shaped'

Step 2: The border

...simple double-crochet into each stitch....so far so good

Step 3: Squaring off

This was tricky....and the border sort of took the heart out of shape. I think it is fairly similar. The corners need some work though. The stitches were very large (double double trebles etc as far as I could tell) so harder to determine.

I love the design and think I made a reasonable go, but will be turning to the pattern as soon as I get the time!

Bye for now,

SS xx

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