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Sunday, 21 June 2015

New Year goals revisited

In January I posted some New Year Goals (you can read these in full here).I was keen to call these goals rather than resolutions, as they give me something to aim for, and not something I resolve to do. Resolutions can end in guilt if you can't keep up what you resolve to do, goals can only be achieved, exceeded or worked towards. I've always been the sort of person who likes to exceed goals, but have come to realise over the years that this can cause untold amounts of unnecessary pressure and/or stress, and that really doing all that you can do is enough. As a result, I tried to keep my goals reasonably achievable, with a bit of a challenge thrown in here and there, to give me something to work towards.

I thought that seeing as we are half way through the year, and on the longest day of the year, I'd review these goals and see what I have achieved.

Goal 1: Design something and put out a pattern every 2-3 months

This is something I would really like to work on and will put this at the top of my list of priorities this summer. As you may have noticed I have not released a single pattern this year.

Verdict: working towards

Here is a little sneak peak of something to come.

Goal 2: Blog twice a month and more if I can

Looking at my post archive I've pretty much managed this

Verdict: Goal achieved!! Whilst I would love to post more (maybe get it up to a post a week by the end of the year) this will require better organisation and planning. Best get making use of the longer days.

Goal 3: learn to play the guitar

Verdict: working towards- should definitely be getting some more practice in!

Goal 4: run a half marathon and cycle loads

So as you may know I didn't run my planned half marathon in March due to injury but I did complete the Great Manchester Run last month. You can read about this here. I have also been cycling lots and even went on a cycling holiday which you can read about here. I am currently out of action (as of yesterday) with another running injury at the moment but am still keeping fit. Fingers crossed a week off will do the trick!

Verdict: I would definitely say achieving here. Although my running isn't going too great I'm still trying. I haven't let the injuries get to me too much, and am still keeping up my strength and fitness.

It has actually been a nice little exercise going through these goals, and even though I may not have achieved all I wanted I've still got another 6 months, plus I'm still trying and haven't given up on any of them (yet!).

Did any of you make any goals/resolutions? If so how are you getting on?


Saturday, 6 June 2015

Spring embroidery

I'd better get this post in quick before we are in the throes of summer (not being overly optimistic, it is the UK). 

I went on a hand embroidery course in April with the hugely talented Pixiecraft. You can see the hoop I embroidered in this post here. I felt as if sewing could easily take over from the crochet in my life so I have limited myself to sewing one hoop per season. Here is my Spring hoop, and the second piece of hand embroidery I have ever really done!

The backsticth lettering took me AGES, but I patiently kept at it and even undid the odd stitch if I wasn't happy with it. I love the little bee and I loved sewing the running stitch train (is that what you would call it?!)

The flower petals and the leaves are satin stitch. I could really see improvement from petal to petal, but it often got to the point where I was tiring out and my stitches got a bit worse again! 

I can't wait to get going with my summer hoop, I'm thinking buckets, spades, sand, shells, although I'm not sure I'm good enough for that yet! Hopefully I'll have something to show you before 'summer' is out!


Monday, 1 June 2015

Exam results, cycling holiday and a little feature in Inside Crochet!

France Cycle Touring Holiday Sally Strawberry Thirkettle

Last week was a great one for three main reasons.

1. I fulfilled a long-term dream of going on a cycling touring holiday. Carrying all of our luggage, tent, sleeping bag etc on our bikes we cycled from Calais to Boulogne, through the beautiful French countryside into Belgium and then down to Lille. It was fantastic and I miss my bike already!

In Lille we visited an AMAZING shop called La droguerie. Feast your eyes on these.......

Sadly I was seriously lacking in space on my bike bags (you still need a handbag on a cycling holiday no?) so I couldn't buy anything but I really hope to go back one day (and soon!). Thanks to Pete for the photography here. 

2. In other news I passed my exams!! These were for the masters degree component of my training job. To say I'm relieved is an understatement, the thought of having to retake way playing on my mind. 

3. Last but not remotely least (can you tell I'm excited?!) I'm featured in the 'Blogs We Love' column in Inside Crochet (Issue 66). Here is a little sneak peak...

1, 2, 3......ARGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! :-)

I hope you have a great week
