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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Best of 2015


I hope you all had a lovely festive season. I had a lovely one and was pretty gutted about having to go back to work.....all that crochet I could be doing instead!

Apologies for the delay of my New Year message and lack of posting recently but this is the first time I have managed to sit down at my computer and that it has actually worked. The poor old thing has had some heavy useage over the years and is in desperate need of an upgrade. 

Anyway, before I do a 'proper' post about my goals for 2016 I thought I'd do a little round-up of my favourite pictures/projects of 2015.

January: OK so this was actually taken on Boxing Day 2016 but posted in January. The 'Boxing Day Run/Walk'. She was still wearing her medal when she was put to sleep in March. I still miss her lots.

February: I completed this 'Scandi Cushion' by Kath Webber as a house-warming present for my sister. Its still going strong :-)

March: another gift for a different sister, the granny socks from Simply Crochet (26) by Simone Francis

April: Some of my flower bunting which proved to be very popular last year.

May: Northmoor Lock Shawl by Joanne Scrace for the Crochet Project. One of the very few projects I have ever done for myself. Love it. I made it for the Crafts from the Cwtch makealong.

June: A new design of mine which so far hasn't made it out of my notebook. Watch this space....

July: so I started on another blanket....its still not finished. I'm on the last repeat and I WILL have it finished by the end of this month. Ooh, this can be one of my goals!

August: I crocheted up some fun bunting to decorate our tents at Greenman Festival in the Summer.

September: Alpacas at the Toft Alpaca Farm. They were cute as anything.

October: a spot of fascinator making for my friends' hen do. I even wore it at the wedding. 

November: I picked up a set of polystyrene hearts and made some wreaths. I definitely want to crochet more bows in 2016. 

December: who wants to see a picture of me frantically crocheting christmas gifts up til Christmas Eve evening and consuming obscene amounts of processo? Thought not!

Here's to a great 2016!