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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Crafts from the Cwtch Make-a-long

This month I have been taking part in the Make-a-Long organised by Sarah of Crafts from the Cwtch. This make-a-long was for knitters and crocheters alike to make shawls and expand our skill-set.

To be honest, I'm terrible at finishing everything I start, especially in the online world. For example I started the #100DaysProject whereby you chose what you will do for 100 days and post an Instagram photo every day of what you are working on. I chose to do #100DaysofCrochet as I was in a bit of a crochet rut and I thought that it would spur me on to try new things. I'm pretty sure I have crocheted every day (bar today as if I had picked up my crochet you would not be reading this post now) but taking a photo every day? and putting it on Instagram?? This would have been easy if I had a good camera on my phone but I don't. Plus my computer is so slow it takes an age to upload and edit photos. Sorry but no, it just wasn't practical for me.

Sarah's make-a-long seemed much more up my street though as it purely involved crochet (or knitting!) and the act of creating and developing your skills for personal enjoyment and fulfilment. This is much more suited to my idea of what crafting, and crochet, should be.

Narrowing down my search for a shawl was a no-brainer, it just HAD to be one of the seven gorgeous shawls in the latest Crochet Project book. Narrowing down which shawl to chose was more of a challenge as they are all GORGEOUS! My eye was initially drawn to 'Cherry Pi', as I just adored the combination of colour and pattern in the design. In the end though I was led by my yarn. I had this skein of Alpaca 4ply from the Fallowfield Alpacas in Northumberland. It is slightly fluffy which I didn't think would give the best stitch definition for Cherry Pi. It is also subtly variegated, which led me to Northmoor Lock by Joanne Scrace......

It was a great crochet project for a beginner crocheter. Although I'm by no means an expert I do have a solid bit of crochet under my belt, but I've never crocheted a shawl before and to be honest I'm glad I went for this one for both the deceptively simple design and the way it showed off my yarn beautifully.

What do you think?

I love it! I haven't got round to blocking it yet as I left my wool soak in Manchester but I think I'll be wearing it before long- I've got no patience!

So, yes, I've finished something, and it feels great!

I hope you have a great bank holiday weekend! 

SS xx

P.S. Thank you for your kind comments about my 10K run, I'm no longer achy and have been on a couple of runs since.

P.P.S. Look out for Inside Crochet TOMORROW Friday 22nd May- more on this later :-)

Monday, 11 May 2015

Manchester 10K- done!

So I'm very achy and a teeny bit worried about my (new) old knee injury but we came and we conquered the Manchester 10K run on Sunday and it was fantastic. 

Great atmosphere- tick
Loads of runners- tick (about 40,000 or something crazy!)
Good temperature- tick
No rain- tick
Fab supporters- tick
Post-run roast and glass of prosecco- tick
Sally and Pete aceing it- TICK!!

I've occasionally posted about my fitness goals, and some of you who have been ready a while may know that it May 2014 I decided to get fit! I started running again which had previously been a nightmare due to a knee problem. However, after a trip to physio and podiatry I have been able to run without the knee problem. It hasn't been plain sailing though as I've been injured a couple of times since (same knee different place). Sadly it meant that I missed out on the half marathon I was due to run in March. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise though as with my injury-prone legs it would have probably been one step too far, too early, 

I tentatively started running again in January, taking it really, really slowly. When I had the opportunity to run the 10K I was slightly nervous about signing up, as it seems that every time I sign up for a run I get injured, Not this time though, and I was thrilled! Here's a pic my sister took of me about 500m from the end. Nice shot sis, my feet are not even on the floor!

Anyone else there on Sunday? Wasn't it just fantastic
