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Friday, 23 August 2013

Twinkie Chan Cupcake Crazy

Hi all :-)

Have any of you heard of Twinkie Chan? You may have seen some crazy food-inspired crochet on the net, and the chances are it was designed by Twinkie Chan. She is a San Francisco based crochet designer who is the queen of fun, original crochet designs, mostly involving fast-food! I adore her designs and only wish I had thought of them myself! It is definitely worth checking out her website :-)

My youngest sister had asked me to make her some bunting a couple of months ago. She was part-way through her A-Level exams at the time so I thought that I would make her some as a 'well done' gift (I knew she would do fab!)......but what to make? I had just made some retro-inspired bunting for a friend which she had liked so though of doing some like that then.....POP, up comes a post from Deramores on Facebook saying that Twinkie Chan had made (and most importantly shared the pattern for) some cupcake bunting on 'Rock N Roll Bride's blog (a brilliant blog too if you are thinking of getting married ;-p). Too good an opportunity to miss and I couldn't wait to get started!

First cupcake finished! Really pleased with it :-)

By the time I got half way through I bought her book, which meant I could finish off outside rather than read the pattern off the computer screen.......

.....It also meant I could start another project......woooooo! 'Cos you can never have too many things on the go!

Can you guess what it is?

......a CUPCAKE HAT!!!!! You got it right?!

This time for my second to youngest sister who was heading off to New Zealand for a couple of months where it is winter at the moment.

Just needed a few embelishments (beads from ebay- lovely and sparkly!)

....and voilĂ !

Here are the products of the week when I went "Twinkie Chan Cupcake Crazy"

Remember a few weeks ago I mentioned that I had a secret project on the go, well these are it! I can share now that my sister has got her results (and of course did brilliantly :-)) and the other has taken off to NZ, with the cupcake hat firmly glued to her head!

Much love,

SS xx


  1. OMG I absolutely love the cupcake bunting! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm it is making my mouth water!

  2. Hehe, thanks! You should give it a go!

  3. Those are only two or three instances of cupcake manifestations that you can heat in your own home.2048 game
