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Saturday, 6 April 2019

Gothenburg Botanical Gardens

I feel so lucky that mini-breaks are now a thing in my life, and on a long weekend break in Gothenburg, Sweden, last weekend I finally got my spark for photography back. Amongst consuming pastries the size of a dinner plate, chugging back litres of (full caff) coffee and perusing the art galleries we visited the Gothenburg Botanical Gardens

Our garden in March

In March we had rain......

But our teeny raspberry bush has started to thrive.....

As are the primulas we planted in the tree pit outside our house last spring.

and you know.....more rain....

I asked over on Instagram when people would recommend pruning back a hydrangea. The responses were really mixed, some had already done so, others recommended waiting until there is no further chance of frost. I decided to wait which I think was a good idea considering the 1 degree mornings we have had this week. 

OUr sweet peas have shot up.....I think we need to provide them with a cane soon as they have started to clutch onto the strawberry pot, and the strawberry plants look to be STRUGGLING. 

Our tulips look like they are starting to bud and I cannot wait to see what colours we planted!