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Thursday, 18 July 2013

Crochet Camp Week 1- Cherry Delicious Potholder

Hi y'all!

Hows it going? Enjoying the lush weather? I'm feeling pretty lucky as up North its a little bit cooler and less sweaty!

Earlier this week I introduced Crochet Camp 2013 which I am taking part in. The first project is a gorgeous, summery Cherry Potholder (anyone else have problems spelling "delicious"?! thank goodness for spellcheck!). It is a beginners pattern worked in rows of double crochet. The applique cherry is worked in 3 rounds. Despite it being a beginners pattern I still didn't find it 'easy' especially when I had to put it all together. I think with crochet there is always something new to learn and there are always issues such as 'is this a real stitch?',  'do you count the chain as a stitch?' and getting the gauge right (its a good job I don't really make clothes as I don't think I EVER get this right!).

Yesterday morning I made a start. I desperately wanted to be outside so scribbled down the pattern, took my now grass-covered blanket into the garden with my yarn,  hook and notebook to keep a tally of my rows! Not forgetting my snazzy new red sunglasses (thanks Pete!).

Please excuse the slightly shady pictures-  our tiny garden is totally canopied by 4 large sycamore trees! It has been lovely in this weather as it is shady all day but the poor grass is mainly moss due to lack of light! The yarn is Rico Creative Cotton Aran in 05, 40 and 32 purchased from the fabulous Deramores

Once I got the chain and first row under-way I soon realised that the yarn splits very easily- so much so it is pretty difficult to work with.

By half way however it got a bit better and the resulting crochet felt really robust yet still quite soft. 

I finished both front and back panel (in red) and the appliqué cherries fairly quickly (I had to add an extra 2 rows to make it square).......but then I had to sew in all the ends and put it together. Now, I don't have the most patience in the world so this is my LEAST favourite part of crocheting or knitting anything. I don't know if I dislike it so much because I am not very good at it (which is very true) or just because it takes ages......anyway here goes .......10mins.......20mins.........unpick........30mins.....

Ta-Dah.......an hour or so later! Looks ok from the front but you don't want to look at the back! Just glad there is a backing piece which thankfully is attached using double crochet.....

If anyone has any tips on appliqué onto crochet (or sewing projects together at all) it would be most welcome :-) and is definitely something I need to improve on. I am always really happy and excited about a piece til I sew it together, then I feel that in doing so I ruin it!

Here is my finished Cherry Delicious Potholder (in the bit of light that made it through the trees). I am about 80% please with it but feel it is let down by some of the decoration, especially as the yarn on one of the stalks split a bit. It definitely has the 'home-made' look about it when you look up close!

Cherry Delicious Potholder made by SallyStrawberry, designed by Kat Goldin

Don't get me wrong, I love cherries (my second favourite fruit) but I love strawberries just a tiny bit more so made a matching pair of potholders by also making a strawberry one! If I were to use them I would definitely need two anyway- I had big heavy pots and scrawny weak arms so lifting my pans is always a two-handed job!

Strawberry Potholder by SallyStrawberry based on a design by Kat Goldin

Here they are together, the 'perfect pair'

And hanging in pride of place in my kitchen. 

Can't wait for next weeks project! 

SS xx

p.s. anyone noticed that I finally worked out how to put an image in my header without messing up the layout of everything else? Just needed a bit of CSS code which I found on the Pretty Things Blog- this blog page provides all sorts of useful information for bloggers.

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