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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Strawberries in the Sun

I would just like to say a massive THANK YOU to those who have looked at my blog and a special thank you to Mrs Brown of mrsbrownmakes for my first comment!

Having had the first proper day off work for a while I made the most of the sun and time to crochet. Sitting under a cherry tree in the park I got to work designing and making the logo for this blog. Can anyone guess what it is yet???


Crochet Strawberry!

Just missing the yellow seeds! I am really happy with how this turned out, especially as it is the first pattern I have designed entirely by scratch. I would like to use a darker green for the leaves so a trip to the wool shop for me (YAY!). Watch this space for a final version, at which time I will write up the pattern so that it is intelligible by anyone other than me!

Next project.....Cherries??

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