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Monday 14 July 2014

Practice makes better......

Were you always told in school that 'practice makes perfect'? I know I was. In life I believe that you can always strive to do better in whatever you do, be it your job, your hobbies, your family, being a better friend. Things are never really 'perfect', but you can make them as good as you possibly can. Getting better requires practice, practice and more practice. It is really easy to lose sight of how far you have come, and how things have changed as a result of hard work, dedication, and the 'p' word, practice.

In my crochet design work I am constantly working on new ideas, trying new yarns, making up samples, and thought it would be timely, with my blogging birthday last week, to see how my designs have developed and improved, and to see if I really have got better with practice.

Crochet designs by SallyStrawberry

Top left = my first ever design! This crochet Strawberry Bunting was also my first pattern which can be found here.

As I got more confident I embraced more complex designs, testing out some new stitches, in the ear-warmer for example (pattern can be found here), culminating in my most recent design- the diamond patterned hat (I really need to think of a proper name!) which is probably my favourite and most accomplished design to date. This pattern is in progress....I will let you all know when it is published :-)

So, does practice really make better? I definitely think so, and with more practice I aim to continue getting better and better :-)

Have a great day!



  1. Beautiful designs, and I love the bright colours - so happy! :)

  2. Thanks Iris. I'm not sure why I'm drawn to bright colours now- maybe it was because I was a goth for many years and am catching up on all the bright colours I missed out on when I wore nothing but black!
