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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

1st Anniversary of blogging

Happy Birthday to me! Well actually, I wrote my first blog post a year and 2 days ago, only I just realised I had missed it when I checked my first ever post yesterday. I missed my six-month mark too, but gave a little round-up at about 8 months which you can see here. So, what has changed since my last blogging round-up, and where do I see myself with my blogging and crochet now?


I'm loving it more than ever. I'm posting way more regularly, even up to 4 times a week pretty regularly. I have incorporated another regular feature 'Friday Favourites' where I will be sharing my favourite things on a particular topic. You can see the first two posts here (yarny blogs) and here (crochet food!). I have found that posting more regularly is keeping me inspired, and I've also got better at looking for bits and bobs to blog about whilst out and about. 

Despite this, I do still find it a struggle sometimes, and often wonder whether anyone out there is actually interested in what I have to say. My favourite blogs are those that impart useful information, that teach me something and inspire me to change my way of thinking. I'm not sure this comes through in my posts at the moment, but I know I'm improving, my writing is improving, Most importantly though and I have learnt to accept that this blogging malarky takes a lot of practice, and as someone once said...."practice makes better...." It requires practice, hard work and patience. 


Now, crochet is another thing that requires practice, practice and more practice. Following on from my 8 month round-up 4 months ago I have been doing a lot more designing and a lot less making and selling. There are two main reasons for this, this first being that I have been doing more hours at my 'part-time' job which has meant that weekend markets are often out of the question, and secondly, whilst I love being a market trader for a day, meeting new people and indulging in general crochet chat I don't really enjoy making the same pieces over and over. I prefer the thrill of designing something new, and seeing others make my designs for themselves. 

I have 3 new designs (almost) ready for publication, 2 crochet and 1 knitting, that I can't wait to share with you soon. When I compare these designs to my first crochet designs they are worlds apart, which really shows how essential practice is in this craft (I envisage a post on this shortly).

Other stuff-  

In my 8-month round up, at the end of the penultimate paragraph I mentioned that I had a job interview for a 'lifelong career' type job. Well,  after a rather grueling interview process (I have never felt so sick with nerves before), I got the job! I will be training as a Clinical Biochemist with the NHS come September! I cannot wait! I'm sad that I won't be able to spend as much time blogging and designing, but I know that if I am productive with my time I can carry on much as I have been doing now. I still hold the dream of one day having a yarn shop selling my own range of yarns and my own designs (maybe once I retire!) so will definitely remain immersed in this fantastic world of yarn as well as re-immersing myself into science. 

So, without further ado, here is the last 4 months of blogging in pictures- one for each month (or 2 if I can't decide!)

APRIL 2014

Remember that smog? This is a view of Happisburgh Lighthouse on the Norfolk Coast.

MAY 2014

In the Manchester Evening News! (Although I really wish they hadn't changed all my 'crochets' in the draft press release to 'knitting', kinda gives the wrong impression!)

I just love this snap of a ladybird perched on the end of a knitting needle!

JUNE 2014

Knitted jersey bunting in Harrogate to celebrate the Tour de France

JULY 2014

Crochet campervans to be used as bunting for decoration at my friends campervan-themed weddinig.

So, that's it for now. I do have a bit more to tell you, but I don't want to bore the pants off you in one sitting. Plus my attention span is a bit limited, and my bum is getting numb from this computer seat! Till next year! 



  1. Happy blogiversary!

    And congratulations on your new job.


  2. congratulations on your blogging anniversary!

