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Sunday, 6 March 2016

An Ode to the Crochet Blanket

Oh blanket when I first saw you in Mollie Makes (issue 53), designed by Ayda AlginI was drawn to the bright colours, the sharp lines, and how they were beautifully offset with the white.

I ordered the yarn to make you straight away and those first few zig-zaggy rows emerged quickly, calling me to crochet more. and more.

Soon I felt the familiar twinge in my right wrist and shoulder, but still I continued, stripe after stripe, watching film after film.

One third complete my mind started to wander from you....

what about that hat I wanted to design?

when will I ever get my Christmas crochet started?

when will this blanket ever end?!?

Little by little I started to work on other projects, but you made me feel guilty piled in the corner of the living room.

I hated you then.

I still hated you when I was rushing to complete Christmas presents on Christmas eve.

I hated you when you sapped all my creativity as I forced myself to add to you a couple of arduous rows at a time.

I carried you all over the country over Christmas, though you never made it out of my bag, a bulky, annoying extra piece of luggage. The intention was there but I always found something more exciting, less blanket-shaped to crochet.

Come February I finished off some other projects and for want of clearing a bit of space, and not abandoning yet another blanket, I picked you up again. 

Row by row I added your colourful stripes (the pink and blue combination is my favourite by the way).

Slowly my opinion of you began to change, and I began to fall in love with you all over again. Those colours, that brilliant white, the way you were keeping me warm as you grew, but mainly the fact that I had made you, treble by treble. 

Spurred on by getting to the final couple I stripes on and on I crocheted til I reached the last treble of the last row.

Phew! Just the border, crocheting in front of a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead....

So blanket, crocheting you didn't come easy, and I'm not going to pretend that I enjoyed the process, but sitting under you right now, keeping me warm whilst my poor injured leg is on ice has made crocheting you 100% worth it.

Blanket I love you. 


  1. Love it! The ode and the blanket. I think a lot of fellow crocheters ( is that a word?) will recognise this. xx

    1. Hello :-) Thank you! Yes, I think its a word :-)
