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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

A little antidote

As an antidote to my revision heavy weekend and week so far here are a few snaps of what I have been up to recently (non revision thankfully).....

Cutest, tiniest avocado I had for my post-run breakfast Sunday

Huck the Pelican from Edwards Menagarie Takes Flight, funny but cute right?

He is for a good friend's little girl, and, as if I would have it any other way was sewing him up til the eleventh hour. I haven't had the opportunity to meet her yet as she is all the way in Qatar but I know I'll be known to her as the friend who makes weird things and drinks too much beer!

What makes me really happy is starting new projects and Friday I started the Worcheser Scarf by Kat Goldin for The Crochet Project. It took me a couple of rows to get going as when you are crocheting in sock-weight yarn the fabric lacks structure and feels very flimsy so it can be quite hard work. I have fallen in love with this pattern (understatement) and can't wait to sit down tonight to get in a couple more rows.

This photo just doesn't do the yarn justice and I'll try and get some better photos away from the harsh lights of a train carriage. The light makes it look kinda green.....its mustard which I am still absolutely in love with, even though I think it has been 'in' and gone very much 'out', who cares about trends yeah!

I have really enjoyed seeing all the photos of Edinburgh Yarn Festival and will be making it a priority to get there over the next couple of years (bucket list for before I'm 30 perhaps?). I live so close to Wonderwool Wales in April but am on holiday when its on this year. 

Hoping for less revision and more crochet over the weekend, though looking through my photos from last week I haven't really done too bad for someone in the throes of revision!

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks a proper mustard color. NOT green at ALL. And I like that complicated stitching pattern!! Which written on paper JUST peeks through? Hahaha!! Love this post.
    That pelican, bet the "'ell he can", as the rhyme goes .. Say it fast.
    I'm a fan!
