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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday

I'm becoming the 'Queen of the WIP' at the moment, never getting round to actually finishing anything. I have the best of intentions but I keep on getting distracted with new yarns, new designs. 

My jumper is coming along nicely though. I have finished the back and am ready to go with the front. The blanket is still in the corner of my living room I'm embarrassed to say. The blanket isn't really a priority though as it was a 'me time do it when I fancy it kinda project', but the jumper does need to be finished, and the pattern written up in the next couple of weeks........YES! It will be done :-)

I have started 3 (well almost 4) news projects in the last 48 hours, which is a record for me I think. Even when I was doing markets and fairs I never had so many things going on simultaneously. 

The first is the beginnings of a design in Rowan wool cotton (50% cotton, 50% wool). This is a gorgeous yarn to work with, and is not at all splitty like cotton can be. Only one of the motifs has been blocked so far which explains the crinkly edges.

These motifs are going to be joined together to make a scarf suitable for the autumn as it is quite lightweight being 50% cotton.

I have also started a custom project for a friends from uni.....a dinosaur hand-puppet of all things! To be honest it has turned into one of hardest, most difficult to get my head round projects I have worked on in a long while and after a day of figuring out the best way to go about it I needed something new and exciting to get my teeth into. Can you remember my photos of Libby Summers Fine Aran? They are all so lovely I couldn't decide which colours to put together. 

I had been thinking about this on and off and thought, why not use them all together?! I have never done crochet colourwork before so with a bit of help from YouTube got going. I started to make this hat:

It is going to be rows of different coloured diamonds. What do you think? I'm really pleased with it so far. It uses the Fair Isle technique of stranding the unused yarn across the back of the work. I also had another design in mind that I wanted to test out first........

Whilst I love the colour combinations, I'm not 100% sure the pattern is the best it could be. So, the big question is....can you tell what it is? 


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