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Friday, 9 May 2014

Foxy Friday.....a giveaway!


To celebrate achieving 200 likes on my Facebook Page I am running a giveaway over on Facebook. Thanks so much to you who have liked my page, taking me over the 200 mark. I am very grateful to you all for all off your support- reading my sometimes questionable writing and commenting and liking my Facebook posts and photos! I find social media a minefield at times, especially for someone who finds 'selling themselves' one of life's biggest challenges. So once again, thankyou!

These little critters caused quite a stir at a recent market (sadly they still require a home though) so I thought I would make something similar specially for this giveaway.....

.....a slightly stuffed foxy decoration looking for a new home. All you have to do to enter is hop along over to my facebook page, give us a like and suggests a name for this handsome fella or lassy in the comments box. Names will be drawn at random next Friday.

Best of luck!

SS xx

p.s The fox bunting was taken on my phone and it ain't no iphone- sorry for the poor quality!

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