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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

WIP Wednesday........making progress

Hi all,

As I mentioned on Monday I was feeling like I was getting pretty behind, especially as I have a craft fair in 4 weeks (eek!). However, I feel that in the last 2 days I have been making progress. Today I have been finishing things off which not only has made me feel a bit more organised and on-track,  has also cleared a whole lot of space in my living room!

I now have something that may resemble 'stock', albeit a small one!

3 cupcake hats (still need their colourful sprinkles but that's a job for this evening)
3 baby-sized Christmas pudding hats
......and my new favourite a Candy-Cane Striped Christmas Wreath!

I know I still have a way to go, but to see that I am making progress is spurring me on enormously.

I would like to thank everyone both on here and on my Facebook page for all your kind comments about the hat I made Monday morning. Guess what? They have multiplied :-)

I sat looking at the hat on my coffee table all Wednesday afternoon and realised that it really reminded me of raspberry ripple ice-cream, so it is to be renamed the Raspberry Ripple Crochet Baby Bobble Hat. I'm going to make some more in a similar vein so keep an eye open...

Linking with Ginny again this week so pop over and see the wonders being created

Have a great evening,

SS xx

p.s. Apologies for the massively uninspiring photos, it was getting dark when I took them and I was feeling too impatient to get the 'big camera' out.


  1. Goodness, what super fun christmas knits.
    I got inspired by mint choc chip ice-cream whilst trying to choose colours for my ripple crochet blanket.
    Good luck with the craft fair.

    1. Hehe, thanks Emma! I was thinking a mint choc chip hat would be the next one to add to the collection but unfortunately I can't seem to find any appropriately coloured green yarn at the moment!

  2. Adorable hats. Good luck at the craft fair.

  3. Those are adorable Christmas hats! I love them and it's nice to have a bunch of something if it's popular! take care,


    1. Thanks Lisa! I'm terrified of running out so maybe am making more than I actually need......its my first fair though so haven't really got a clue! The clock is ticking though so I may not have time to make as much as I wanted, oh well! x

  4. Oh those cupcake hats looks so adorable! I love them!
