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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

OK, I'll confess.........

......I've become hat obsessed! I am seeing them everywhere and they are invading my dreams (got to be worse things though!). Last night was especially bad.....Bonfire Night.....people out en-mass to watch h local fireworks display....and loads and loads and loads of hats......beanies, hats with ear-flaps, berets, and my personal favourite the cabled bobble hat! I couldn't help but stare and marvel over them all. I then of course spent a couple of minutes lost in thought (helped by the Mead I had been drinking most likely) dissecting how they were made....were they made in the round, or were they seamed, was it a real cable or the 'mock' kind......

A friend recently asked me to make a hat for him....totally my choice and design. Its got to be a chunky cabled bobble hat as I'm dying to make one, and its the perfect excuse/opportunity to try.

I've done some cabling before (a scarf that was entirely cable right across the width) but unfortunately it was way before the time I started to take pictures of my work. I loved it and can't wait to try again. 

So today, I've been trawling Ravelry on the search for a perfect hat.....and I think I've found it. Next challenge is to find the perfect wool.....

Staring at everyones hats was bad enough so I couldn't take photos. Instead I will share with you some pictures of the fireworks.

All together now......."oooooooooh..........ahhhhhhhhhhh........"

Did you go to any firework displays??

SS xx

p.s. I know it should be a WIP Wednesday post but to be honest, I haven't really been making anything different from last week!

1 comment:

  1. Hello thank you for popping over and leaving a comment on my blog :), The shop is in Manchester Brazennose House, Brazennose st, Manchester, United Kingdom. It's just off Deansgate and Albert Square. I get to Chorlton often would be nice to meet up. If you are on facebook pop over and say hello https://www.facebook.com/ItsamistryDesignStudio1. Anita
