Further to my post on dipping my toes in the water and going back to swimming lessons I thought I'd share some of my earliest crochet, along with my top books for beginners. A few months back whilst sorting out some old boxes I found these flowers I crocheted back when I was just starting out.
I was so pleased with these early efforts, and proudly sewed them to a garter stitch panel as part of a campaign for gardening in our local area. After crocheting these first few flowers I was hooked, and after hours and hours of practice I was able to crochet neat little flowers without space in the centre to house a 50 pence piece, or a walnut, or a golf ball....... Whilst these were great I got a whole lot better with practice. Quite a lot of practice mind, but as I said I was a bit addicted.
If you were thinking of having a go at crochet, and I would highly recommend it (though I am biased), I have two top suggestions for books to help.
The first is 'Kids Learn to Crochet' by Lucinda Guy. Right so it's for children but the pictures and explanations are sooooo clear and easy to understand. I would recommend it to any beginner whatever the age.
My second is 'Cute and Easy Crochet' by Nicki Trench. I'm positive I have mentioned this book on here at least once, but it was my go-to book for achievable, yet gorgeous projects when I first started. I think I made half of the projects in the book. What to see a few more photos? I had to go to Ravelry for these as I don't even have the photos any more......
Looking at these photos reminds me of another great book I would highly recommend 'The Crafters Guide to Taking Great Photos' by Heidi Adnum. With practice, my photos improved drastically and I would recommend it to anyone taking photos of their craft for their blogs, Instagram feeds, Ravelry or your own personal records.
I have a series of beginner crochet post, and I would recommend starting HERE, which goes through the basic tools you will need to get going. The 'tutorials' tab of this site lists the complete beginner crochet series.
Do you have any books or other sources you would recommend to beginners? I would also love to hear about your first crochet projects :-)
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