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Saturday, 11 April 2015

Life right now

As some of you may have gleaned from Facebook I'm in the the midst of a revision nightmare. I have 5 exams over Monday and Tuesday and am definitely not loving it. Roll on Tuesday afternoon when I can relax and have a drink. 

This is my dining room table right now.....coffee, tea, papers, nail varnish (for when I'm really procrastinating), phone (for the odd Google search, and yes, more procrastination) and most excitedly, the newly vegetarian Party Rings! These are my favourite biscuits by far and they have just made them vegetarian :-)

On another (much better) note I went to a hand embroidery workshop this afternoon to have a bit of a break from the science and did this! I'm thrilled with it! The workshop was run by the hugely talented Katy of Pixiecraft. Check out her work and be amazed.

Early night and back to work tomorrow. See you on the other side. 


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