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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Well hello!


I hope you are all well. I most certainly am because I HAVE BEEN ON HOLIDAY!!!!! We took a much-needed break to Granada in Spain. It came at a perfect time as I was starting to get fed up with 'life' in general.......everywhere I looked there was something that needed doing, to the point where I was very close to just not doing anything at all.

My batteries are well and truly recharged now, and after this week I hope to get back up to full speed. At the moment I am just finishing up a couple of commissions, getting the flat in order and catching up on TV- its great that I have the luxury of being able to ease myself back in gently!

Here are a couple of my favourite snaps from our holiday. As you can see we were lucky and got a bit of sun :-)

I have so many blog posts whirring round my head at the moment, and you know, for the first time in ages I am really enjoying blogging again! Yipeeeeeee!

Much love,


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