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Saturday 1 February 2014

Trip on the Manchester Wheel


Did you see the decopatch elephant I made on my Birthday last week? I'm so pleased with him!

The day after my Birthday Pete had the day off work.

As a treat we went to Teacup on Thomas Street We drank tea (of course!)..........

......I had the Rosebud tea and it was lovely. Surprisingly tasted quite "tea-like"!

.....and had lunch....

.....now that really was delicious! It was a mix of mushrooms with advocado on sourdough toast, topped off with a perfectly poached duck egg. The yolk was oozy and delicious....and did I say delicious?!

......and went on the Manchester wheel!

Manchester had a wheel when I first moved here but over Christmas a new one popped up in Piccadilly Gardens. Neither of us went on the old one so thought it might be worth a shot. 

It was a pretty miserable grey day as you can tell from these pictures, but once in the lovely warm pods you could forget about that and take in the Manchester skyline. Now, I wasn't really sure what to expect as I couldn't imagine the view to be that fantastic (sorry Manchester!), and to be honest it was as I expected, but it was still pretty fun (and a little bit wobbly!)!

So here we have the view down market street:

You can just make out the red lanterns for the Chinese New Year. Here you can make out the Etihad Stadium in the background: 

....and the Hilton Hotel here:

I had never noticed this sculpture before, and I actually quite like it (seems the pigeons do too!):

Worth a quick spin if you are around. I would definitely recommend going on a brighter day though!

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