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Thursday, 17 October 2013

A bit of Autumn Sunshine


After the dismal day yesterday, this morning is gorgeous. It's sunny, and even a bit warm :-) I leapt on the opportunity to get outside and take some pictures of my work.

This is a girly version of my teeny tiny crochet bunting, ready for the craft stall.

Teeny Weeny Crochet Bunting by SallyStrawberry

Its definitely Autumn now though....there are barely any leaves left on the trees now, especially after the recent wind.  I noticed that you could see the change from Summer to Autumn all on the same bush/tree in our garden.

Some of the leaves are still green

Others are beginning to turn,

And others are well and truly that beautiful Autumn rust colour I love so much!

This little ladybird was enjoying the morning sun too

Hope you are all having a lovely day,

SS xx


  1. I love Autumn too and really enjoy the colors we have around. Thank you for posting these beautful pictures :)

    1. I think its my favourite time of year (although I'm not a massive fan of the cold!) Thank you so much for your comment, I'm trying to improve my photography so its really kind of you :-)

  2. Hi Sally, I just saw your comment on Hanni's blog and came over for a look. I can't believe you live in Chorlton. I used to live there too. I'm in Oxford now. Good to hear they have a crochet club...good luck with it.
    Love the photo of the ladybird.
    keep warm

    1. Hi Debby! Thanks for popping over :-) yes, I've been living in Chorlton since January and love it! We have had lots of positive response about the crochet club so fingers crossed it works out.
      All the best,

      Sally x
